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~Animal Kingdom~

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~Animal Kingdom~ Empty ~Animal Kingdom~

Post by soapster Sun Sep 22, 2024 9:24 pm

In a dystopian world, set in 700AE - After Extinction - humans have been extinct for hundreds of years, their buildings long overgrown, if not, fallen completely, leaving the earth untouched.

The trees have grown exponentially, whole new biomes have been born- and animals have gained the ability to talk. Since humans have gone extinct, the world is finally able to heal.

But at what cost?


Fallon - @soapster

Bakari - @Checkmate

Barbara - @soapster

Manny - @Checkmate

Nyra - @soapster

Andy & Anari - @soapster

Amara - @Checkmate

Su'khin - @soapster

Soleomin - @soapster

Ayabu - @Checkmate

Ashe - @Checkmate

Ashura - @Checkmate

Kamari - @Checkmate

Last edited by soapster on Sat Sep 28, 2024 11:49 pm; edited 2 times in total

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~Animal Kingdom~ Empty Re: ~Animal Kingdom~

Post by soapster Sun Sep 22, 2024 10:05 pm

It was first light, and the sun in Fallons eyes is what initially woke her up. Her eyes mirroring winter and autumn- one brown, one a brownish-pale blue. Other than that she looked like any normal fox- her coat wasnt exactly shining and well-kempt, she and Barbara had been through it these past few days.

The fox got to her feet and shook herself off, before bending down her upper half into a stretch and letting her jaw fall in a yawn, before picking herself back up, only to look over to the small pond nearby, a large horse was bent over by it, lapping up the fresh water while she could.

This was Barbara- a large, beautiful dark gray & white Clydesdale horse, standing at almost 19 hands. Her multi-colour mane was long, some strands were much curlier than the rest, styling her look a bit more.

Her tail flicked and her long tail hair swayed side to side as she felt Fallons presence behind her:

"Barb? Why are you up so early?" she queried, also bending her head down to the water, beginning to drink as well:

"Coyotes a few miles earlier this morn'. Couldnt go back to sleep..."

Fallon blinked as she raised her head, water still dripping down from her muzzle:

"We should move-"

"Fallon." The mare began, turning her head and lowering it towards the fox: "You know if we move now the pack will find us. I can take a few coyotes. I cant take a whole pack of wolves. No ma'am."

Fallon just huffed as she licked the water off of her nose, before sitting herself down in her spot:


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~Animal Kingdom~ Empty Re: ~Animal Kingdom~

Post by Checkmate Sun Sep 22, 2024 10:34 pm


As soon as the sun had risen, off near the more ‘ City ‘ like areas, well where the city used to be anyways roamed a pack of at least 20 Wolves. Most of them were male and a little female, they thrived on strength and the males protection.

Some acted as guards, which were only the males, most females were hunters and some were den mothers. Most females were Seen as caregivers for the pack. And if you were a hunter you at least had a higher chance of respect.

And if you had a male that respect you as a partner you were even more lucky.

Hence…the reason for Bakari’s parents….she was a female. And the first day she was born…her parents’ s hearts were ripped out of their chest…looking down the wolf pup with nothing but disdain in their eyes.

Females were almost useless in this pack….and their little girl was good as dead. But their disappointment in not birthing a male, let alone the rest of the pack’s own disappointment was rather—-weighing. It lead them to abandon her. But to still keep her near.

And Bakari now a fully grown young adult was currently sleeping underneath some underbrush and a few broken down cars that were just covered in leaves and dirt. It acted as her den, her left ear had a massive piece of skin and tissue bitten out of it, her fur was messy and unkept as well, but it was still silky soft. Something other female wolves would kill for.

Her pelt was a dark sooty gray blended with other gorgeous silvery colors, her eyes were a rich brown albeit closed. Her Face was soft as well not sharp or angular. She had rather large paws though, which was rare for a female to have in this pack.

At the moment she was just sleeping in, trying to get in on some sleep.

I serve under the commander, but don’t worry I don’t bite! If you need any help ask me or Any others! Or the commander themself. Have a good day my comrades

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~Animal Kingdom~ Empty Re: ~Animal Kingdom~

Post by soapster Sun Sep 22, 2024 11:21 pm


A few minutes had passed, the Fox and the Horse were huddled up together, Barbara laying down on the ground upright, and Fallon curled up into a ball ontop of her, just resting. Barbara was keeping a stern eye out for anything- after all it was still a dog-eat-dog world.

And just as the mare was right, a small pack of coyotes- maybe around 5-6 of them waltzed over, causing Barbara to immediatly get to her feet:

"Keep walking if you know whats good for you" she snagged, flicking one ear.

The entire pack halting, only one of them speaking:

"Mixpacking?" they laughed: "Thats a new one..."

The mare brushed her hoof on the ground a few times, making a little fake-out jump, causing a few of the coyotes to jump back:

"I could crush every one of you if you even think about taking another step. If you are smart, youll keep moving on your way. Thats your last warning dog"

In a perfect cliche story, they would all stand their ground and be severely mistaken when the mare would crush their skulls under her hooves- however they were smarter than that, shut their muzzles, and kept on their way, not even bothering to look back.

The mare pinned her ears, whinnied in impatience and stomped at the ground behind one straggler, causing it to scamper off after the others in a hurry.

Coyotes would stand no chance against Barbara- however Wolves were a different story.

As Fallon looked on from the mares back, still perched, her ears perked as she turned around, seeing the brush behind them shuffle, Barb looked on as well, and snortet sharply through her nose, awaiting for what was thought to be one last Coyote.

However- she was wrong. Dead wrong. From the brush climbed out a cheetah- very thin and worn down, she was panting:

"i dont mean to bother.... but please... could I join you two?"

Barb was heavily wary, however Fallon furrowed her brows and hopped down from the mares back:

"Absolutly not!"

"Barb!" The fox exclaimed, giving the horse a look, before turning her attention back to the feline.

"Oh my gosh, what happened to you?"

"I havent eaten in days- i've been giving all that I could find to my cubs, its only me- their father left before they were born Ive been on my own-... please... please I've nowhere else to turn"

"Fallon- seriously? From a carnivore let alone a feline?"

The cheetah cut in:

"Please- I wouldnt be pleading if I wasnt desperate- we are barely getting by and I am terrified of losing them..."

As soon as the cat said that final line- Barb shut herself up... She knew that feeling- she would feel exactly the same.

Fallons sympathy for the mother feline grew with every word:

"Im sorry for my friend- of course... we'll help. What do you need?"

"Protection... At least- until theyre old enough to protect themselves... then we will all be out of your hair- i give you my word"

The fox gave a glance towards the mare who was still silent, only giving her a defeated look of approval. The fox turned back towards her:

"Thats quite alright. Please- go get some water-"

The cheetah loudly sighed in dramatic relief:

"Thank you... thank you..."

Fallon turned to the horse:

"Look Barb I know but-"

"No. As soon as theyre old enough theyre all out of h-"

As the mother cheetah scampered off to the pond to lap up gallons of water, her two little newborns suddenly rolled out of the brush towards the pair, chirping and tossing eachother around like tiny balls of fluff.

Barbaras face lit up as her ears shoved forward:

"-eeerrereeOH MY GODDD Theyre so cute can we keep them? Were keeping them. Youre mine now. Mine." She gently tippy-tapped as she moved around the two little babies, lowering her head all the way, causing one of them to fall into her squishy nose. The mare raised her head and whinnied out of cuteness-overload before she quickly yet gently bent her neck down again.

Fallon watched this with an amused look, only to look over at the mother, who was still drinking.

Her sympathy grew for her immediatly moreso-

What has she gone through till now? Shes been drinking for a while now...

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~Animal Kingdom~ Empty Re: ~Animal Kingdom~

Post by Checkmate Sun Sep 22, 2024 11:51 pm


A Dog eat dog world was quite right sadly….Bakari eventually woke up and stretched her legs, they creaked ever so slightly. She grunted a she stood up and wobbled a little as she staggered out of her den. Her eyes were droopy, it took her a long while to wake up sadly.

She plodded out of her den and out into the main area of the camp which was vast. She spotted some other huntress’s returning with fresh kill, a sandy brown colored female leading the hunt with two darker brown wolves. They dragged a fresh deer back to the kill pile which had at least two other half eaten deer.

Bakari herself perked up and licked her lips at the sight of breakfast, her tail wagged a good bit, she yawned once as she bent down, stretching her limbs only to start to trot off towards the pile.

And just as she did, everyone else woke up headed towards the pile too. Most were rushing past her though, bumping her off and on not giving her a second look.

This caused the young adult to Yelp and to stumble and given her giant paws she tended to trip over herself sometimes and she collapsed on to her side. She grunted and shook her head a few times, and once she looked up. She noticed they were all swarming the meal. Especially the fresh one to which the hunting group had brought in.

She noticed the leader eating first too, which was an old wolf, he was grey but he was still well muscled, he had soft turquoise eyes as well. He was immediately eating out of the new deer carcass. His wife and partner beside him was a Coppery brown wolf mixed with shades of deeper brown as well. She was eating beside him.

Bakari stood back up and shook herself off only to head towards the pack once more. She tried to worm her way in kindly but she was also hungry so she tried to keep her patience under control.

She eventually gotten a timid hold of a deer leg and nipped it, but she couldn’t even get a bite in before Ashura made himself known.

The giant black wolf was beside her and he gave her a small glare. He snarled, his fur was as black as the night sky.

“ what do you think you’re doing?” He snarled. His voice deep and rough.

Bakari froze as she looked up at him, a sheepish look in her brown gaze was seen as she timidly held the deer leg in her maw.

“ hungry-“ she answered in a small voice.

The rest of the pack kept eating enjoying their meals, even her Patents which were far off to the right, both with stormy gray pelts.

Ashura raised his eyebrow “ we all are. “ he grumbled, he then had a cruel idea in his head “ What have you done lately?” He asked.

Bakari listened and thought on it “ helped clean out some dens…” she responded as she lifted her head a bit.

Ashura snorted “ Den work? Thats it?” He huffed.

Bakari nodded, her eyes full of confusion.

Ashura snorted “ I’m a guard, I help protect the pack, the huntresses hunt for our pack, Warriors fight for us. And what much have you done lately?” He asked, his tone holding a slightly cold undertone. This was just his way to get a jab in at her, he enjoyed making her life a living hell.  

After all, an Omegas role was: To serve as the scapegoat, the target of the rest of the pack's social aggression. In a way, it acts as a little healer. It’s this wolf's instinctive mission is to diffuse hostilities and lower tensions within the pack.

But in hindsight—it was almost like a punching bag. And Ashura loved to abuse that.

Bakari frowned hearing that and she seemed to understand, hence having a hint of understanding in her eyes. She looked towards the rest.

Ashura huffed in satisfaction “ wait till the rest are done. “ he instructed “ Then you may eat.” He said and returned to eating.

Bakari listened and nodded only to back up and out of the Horde as she walked off a few feet, and then proceeded to sit as she waited for the rest to be done eating. She huffed slightly, but she understood him begrudingly.

I serve under the commander, but don’t worry I don’t bite! If you need any help ask me or Any others! Or the commander themself. Have a good day my comrades

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~Animal Kingdom~ Empty Re: ~Animal Kingdom~

Post by soapster Mon Sep 23, 2024 8:32 am


As the mare was laid down again, watching over the two little cubs letting them crawl all over her and play around, Fallon slowly made her way over to the cheetah, who was still drinking.

She sat beside her by the waters edge:

"Never got your name...?"

The feline swallowed the water in her mouth with a slight gasp of relief and closed her eyes, before lifting her head from the water and looking at the fox:

"Nyra..." she said with a little breathy huff- still catching her breath from drinking so much.

"Nyra... Thats a pretty name"

"Thank you Fallon."

The fox halted, squinted her eyes and slyly grinned, giving Nyra a look of slight enjoyed confusion:

"Youre friend called you Fallon- is it not?"

Fallon laughed:

"Oh!- pff right I mustve forgotten..."

Some silence went by, and Fallons face slowly shifted into one of sympathy, her tone went softer and more sweet-sounding:

"so... what happened to you?"

Nyra paused, her face dropped:

"I had a mate- Syc, and once he realized he had to be responsible for cubs, he just- left me. He left me alone to fend for myself- with zero help at all. Then the cubs came along, and what I was barely getting by on went straight to them because...because I cant lose them. I havent eaten anything for five days and I just now got water- the rain has been friendly recently so I have The Mother to thank for that..."

Fallons face fell hearing that. A mother giving up her whole world so her cubs could have it instead, even if it meant her own downfall:

"Nyra..." she began, soft and sweet: "You are here to stay. Your cubs are here to stay. As long as you all are here we will stand by you and protect all three of you. I promise."

The eyes of the sheetan began to water as her ears drooped slightly downwards, she replied in a whisper:

"...thank you"

Fallon smiled:

"Come now- go back with Barb and the cubs, I will go out and catch us some lunch. Okay?"

Nyra nodded with a smile, forever grateful for the fox and the horse. As she trotted back over to the three, Fallon gave them all one last check, before running off into the brush towards the fallen city-like area.

This was Scelm, and currently, unbeknownst as it was downwind, Fallon was running straight towards the wolf pack.

Things may get interesting

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~Animal Kingdom~ Empty Re: ~Animal Kingdom~

Post by Checkmate Mon Sep 23, 2024 9:48 am


After what felt like ages, the pack eventually faded and left a good deal of it eaten, 20 wolves against two already half eaten carcasses and one fresh one that was now more than already gone? They needed a lot.

Bakari eventually trotted towards what was left of the pile panting happily, she was starving by now. She wen’t towards the new one and bent down only to start ripping it apart, ripping its flesh with an overjoyed frenzy.

And once the taste hit her tongue a few times she seemed to calm down, her paws gripped the deer’s sides. Again, they were good sized. She could do so much too if these stupid paws would just let her move around normally. She hasn’t learned how to fully come into them yet.

She watched as the rest of the pack do their daily functions. Some were lounging, some were doing border patrols, the second in command a well muscular male timber wolf known as Ayabu, was currently sitting high on top a large pile and mound of dirt far off in the distance, it was like their ‘ throne ‘ of sorts.

Ayabu was a well respected and king general, he was basically the man who took over the pack when the leader and his wife couldn’t , and seeing as the old wolf was close to his expiration date things were looking to be the case.

Ayabu bore tons of battle scars, his features were sharp and he had strong claws. His eyes were a soft blue as well and his presence exuded a soft calm yet commanding aura.

Bakari actually felt…safer whenever he was present, he felt different than the rest. And so she held higher respect for him. She wagged her tail happily and began to eat.

The patrollers were a group of 5, the Same blonde sandy Wolf from earlier, a white wolf, and few other timber wolves were currently trotting along the boarder, and the boarder itself, the entire pack size and area itself, was at least a entire city block worth of space.

The sandy blonde wolf was named Hishari and she had green eyes, the group was currently laughing with each other.

I serve under the commander, but don’t worry I don’t bite! If you need any help ask me or Any others! Or the commander themself. Have a good day my comrades

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~Animal Kingdom~ Empty Re: ~Animal Kingdom~

Post by soapster Mon Sep 23, 2024 10:15 am


As Fallon made her way into Scelm- she picked up that fresh deer scent. She perked up and began to run, growing excited, if she could snag a limb and take it back for Nyra, that would be perfect!

However just as she got to the opening she skidded to a halt. The bushes moved as she backed up a bit- seeing the carcass pile- and the dusky gray wolf mawing at it.

She went silent- hoping to god that none of them heard her- or caught wind of her- however seeing that she was downwind from them, the hope that they wouldnt smell a fox would be slim to none. She couldnt see their numbers, only the one eating, the one atop the perch, and hearing a few others laughing.

And within the bush- cowering in fear behind her, was a baby deer. His legs were shaking and his ears were dropped completely in fear. He had followed his newly-killed parent in hopes they would still be alive. They werent, he has been hiding in the bush ever since.

Fallon went wide eyed, turned around and lowered herself, trying to keep him quiet. She was almost silent as she whispered:

"Shh....shhh.... its okay... be very quiet... shhhh..."

The poor bambi was silent in fear. He was a much larger foal than usual- maybe if she took him in he could help protect the rest of the pack when he was older?

"Hey... hey... turn around, and run that way, just keep running... Youll see a big horse, shes nice, shell help you, okay? Go, go"

The foal didnt understand, however with her gestures he got the point. It took him a minute to fully turn around, still shaking with fear, before running off in the direction she pointed- his escape rustled the bushes more, making noise.

Fallon couldnt hide now- if she wanted to secure the foals secret, she would have to make herself known.

She scurried out of the brush and sneaked next to the eating wolf, and with drooped ears and wide eyes, she began to try and hastily yank off the half-eaten leg.

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~Animal Kingdom~ Empty Re: ~Animal Kingdom~

Post by Checkmate Mon Sep 23, 2024 10:28 am


Bakari damn near jolted out of her skin once she saw the fox practically surge forward. Her heart was pounding, she looked over at the fox and frowned, she immediately felt her heart drop—she’s only gotten a few bites in…she was still hungry..

But she could tell the fox needed it more and she wasn’t the violent kind either—and seeing there wasn’t much left..she reluctantly gave the rest to the fox.

She didn’t speak yet though, she didn’t trust it completely.

But with Ayabu’s watchful gaze who tilted his head narrowed his eyes “ you there! “ he barked.

Bakari immediately stood in front of the fox, protecting it and shielding it from his gaze the best she could all the while her stomach was still rumbling.

“ y-yeah?” She spoke up, her voice stammery.

Ayabu narrowed his eyes and he snarled, he swore he saw something zoom in…..he rose his nose to the air and took a few whiffs, trying to see if he was crazy. He then caught scent. And his pupils shrunk.


I serve under the commander, but don’t worry I don’t bite! If you need any help ask me or Any others! Or the commander themself. Have a good day my comrades

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~Animal Kingdom~ Empty Re: ~Animal Kingdom~

Post by soapster Mon Sep 23, 2024 11:03 am


The foxs worry-filled eyes looked up at him through the space between the front legs of the wolf who was trying to shield her.

However she was perplexed. Why was a wolf- trying to protect a fox?

She stayed quiet- not knowing what to expect next

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~Animal Kingdom~ Empty Re: ~Animal Kingdom~

Post by Checkmate Mon Sep 23, 2024 11:41 am


Simple. Bakari wasn’t like the others, as trope like as it sounded she truly wasn’t. She was too kind, too innocent. And over all, not violent like some of the guards or Ashura can be. She was a Ferdinand, somebody that liked to smell the flowers—hell her best friend was a tiny pill bug for crying out loud.

Bakari practically felt the worry in the Fox’s body and she felt sympathy towards it. She then tensed herself noticing the generals death glare.

Ayabu sighed as he began his deadly descent down to the main area.

“ youuuuuu were always such a bad liar Bakari.” He practically growled out, his voice deep and intimidating.

Bakari felt her Heart pound in her chest and her frame didn’t move, anxiety ran rampant, she always found authority intimidating.

“ I dunno what you’re talking about “ she brushed off.

Ayabu bared his teeth as he inched closer, like a beast stalking his prey. His eyes cold like ice “ I smellllllll, you.” he drawled out in a cold fashion as he looked directly behind the Omega, she will be punished later. Right now his gaze was on the Fox.

You’re in Highlander Pack Territory.” he hissed in a matter of fact tone, he was speaking directly to Fallon.

This even caused Bakari herself to hunker down now, her ears folded back in submission.

I serve under the commander, but don’t worry I don’t bite! If you need any help ask me or Any others! Or the commander themself. Have a good day my comrades

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~Animal Kingdom~ Empty Re: ~Animal Kingdom~

Post by soapster Mon Sep 23, 2024 1:38 pm


The fox's growing pity on this Bakari had sooner become too much. She stepped out from behind her, dropping the now-ripped off leg in her mouth:

"Im sorry- My friends are starving, there is no food past the brush- please..."

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~Animal Kingdom~ Empty Re: ~Animal Kingdom~

Post by Checkmate Mon Sep 23, 2024 6:12 pm

Bakari felt her Heart leap seeing the fox willingly show herself, her brows furrowing, but once she heard that, her heart ached. Starving?

But she didn’t stray from her hunkered down Spot, her ears were flattened and her tail was right between her legs.

Ayabu himself snarled.

“ you don’t think we know that? My own pack needs to feed too. And considering the amount of coordinated attacks we get from bears, we need all the food we could get. My wolves Need Food too. “ Ayabu snarled as he eyed the thief.

And it was true, bears loved to pick on this pack, trying to steal their kills, this time they were only lucky that they managed to eat everyhting themselves.

And the carcass disposal team usually dealt with the brunt of it too…sometimes it drew Bears in by the scent of dead deer in hopes getting a steal in.

I serve under the commander, but don’t worry I don’t bite! If you need any help ask me or Any others! Or the commander themself. Have a good day my comrades

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~Animal Kingdom~ Empty Re: ~Animal Kingdom~

Post by soapster Mon Sep 23, 2024 6:21 pm

Fallon listened- truely she understood- she was not stealing out of malicious intent:

"I understand, I dont want anybody to go hungry- please... just this one leg and Ill be on my way, I will never take your food again. My friend hasnt eaten in five days shes malnourished, she only came to us today... Just this one time, youll never have to see me again. In fact, if your pack needs a drink there is a freshwater pond a mile or so in that direction-" she continued, pointing her muzzle in the area behind her currently.

She turned back to face Ayabu, with pleading eyes, the singular leg of the deer at her feet- the rest of the carcasses still in that pile next to Bakari:

"Its tough enough for you guys- a whole pack of wolves. Imagine what its like for me. Ive only got two friends in mine, its already tough enough as it is."

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~Animal Kingdom~ Empty Re: ~Animal Kingdom~

Post by Checkmate Mon Sep 23, 2024 6:40 pm


Ayabu listened with a calculative gaze, only to grumble and to sigh, his gaze softened into a gradual one of equal understanding. His nose twitched however and he inched forward. He swore he smelled cubs?..but he wasn’t certain…and that made his Heart drop and it made up his mind.

“ Go then.” He reassured with his head raised.

Ashura who was off on the sides watching the whole thing in silence wen’t wide eyed in pure horror, he leapt up “ General Are you BLIND?! You can’t be serious she’s a fox!” he snapped with a snarl.

Ayabu quickly whipped his head towards Ashura with a steady glare but with a cold under current to it “ you can smell her can’t you? This is a dangerous world, we need all the help each other can get, now Ashe might agree with you, but I’m not gonna be stuck in old ideals, to survive one Must push beyond their limits. Become more. And if what this Fox says is true, then so be it, even she’s offering something in Return.” He said, his voice steady.

Ashura folded his ears back and snarled heavily, he had been shut up. He huffed once and glared at Fallon. Scanning her, they didn’t have water access….

He just snarled and turned around only to trot off back to where he was laying.

Ayabu looked back over at Fallon with a slow nod “…you may go. And if your offer of water still stands…we’ll gladly take it.” He said, his tone having a hint of plead.

Perhaps they could even go so far as to working together. A symbiosis.

I serve under the commander, but don’t worry I don’t bite! If you need any help ask me or Any others! Or the commander themself. Have a good day my comrades

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~Animal Kingdom~ Empty Re: ~Animal Kingdom~

Post by soapster Mon Sep 23, 2024 6:47 pm


Fallon closed her eyes with a smile and a sigh of relief:

"Im grateful- General... Thank you." She then flicked her ears as she lifted her head as well with a nod: "Yes, My crew is by there now, I can lead you to it so you know where youre going?"

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~Animal Kingdom~ Empty Re: ~Animal Kingdom~

Post by Checkmate Mon Sep 23, 2024 6:54 pm


Ayabu swished his tail and he found himself smiling, it was a genuine one too. His gaze even grew kind.

Bakari herself was still hunkered to the ground, but a heavy look of relief was seen on her face. She exhaled and laid her head on her paws.

Ayabu thought on the offer and hummed “ I appreciate the thought but us wolfs can smell, I know your scent well enough by now to lead a few patrols to get the idea. You need to get back to your own pack, no matter how small it may be.” He soothed. His teal eyes kind and soft.

I serve under the commander, but don’t worry I don’t bite! If you need any help ask me or Any others! Or the commander themself. Have a good day my comrades

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~Animal Kingdom~ Empty Re: ~Animal Kingdom~

Post by soapster Mon Sep 23, 2024 7:06 pm


Fallon flicked one ear, and all she could do was smile:

"Thank you. May you and your pack flourish"

Then, with one final genuine smile, she gave Bakari a friendly look as well, before lowering her head, picking up the deer leg, turning around and running off, disappearing into the brush, back to the others.


Eventually she had returned- Barb was looking after the two cubs and the little deer foal- he had found his way back, and Nyra was a few feet away, sleeping- finally getting some shuteye.

Fallon had trotted over to the sleeping feline, only to gingerly place the deer leg infront of her. The cheetahs eyes opened, upon smelling it, and she grew the biggest smile on her face- which was contagious to Fallon who also smiled as well:

"For you"

Nyra looked at Fallon with a grateful glint in her eyes, before looking fown at the leg and biting into it, finally getting some food in her system.

Barbara looked over:

"This guy came over-"

"I know, I sent him heh..."

"Jesus Fal-"

"What? I dont like hurting people and you love babies- its perfect"

Barb rolled her eyes with a playful scoff. The deer foal was practically plastered next to the Clydesdale- very shy around the cheetah cubs who were tumbling around them both.

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~Animal Kingdom~ Empty Re: ~Animal Kingdom~

Post by Checkmate Mon Sep 23, 2024 8:13 pm


Bakari once she caught the smile from Fallon, felt her heart warm up and she offered a smiled back. It—it made her feel like she did the right thing.

Ayabu once he heard the phrase smiled and bowed his head in return, again he was a Kind General and strived to be the best for his pack. Ashe, the leader and Kamari the leaders wife were both stuck in the old ways. Ashe was wise yes…but he was stuck.

Ayabu strived to be better. Even though he had to admit some of the old ways still clung to him.

Ashura however—oh he was all for the old ways. The black wolf snarled silently as he watched the fox skitter off with their kill.

Bakari remained seated, still feeling like she was in the dog house, literally.

Ayabu watched the Spot where Fallon had Left to only to sigh and look towards the Omega.

“ Now then, what to do with you? “ he frowned.

Bakari frowned “ but i—“ she began.

you couldn’t have known.” Ayabu scolded with his ears folded back, his voice lower. “ How would you have known that she had a starving pack? She couldve been lying to you and you would’ve believed her anyways. My dear you’ve a good heart, but youve no idea the dangers that lurk out there. They’ll eat you up and spit you out. “ he said, his voice small yet firm, like he was a concerned father.

Bakari winced hearing that tone of disappointment and lowered her head.

Ashura stood up and waltzed over, smirking mentally.

“ I say we throw her in the ring.” He said, desperatly trying to hide his smirk. He was so pissed that Bakari allowed the Fox in the first place, he wanted revenge. He could taste it on his tongue.

Bakari felt a chill run down her spine, the ring was entertainment, plus a punishment it was held further in the far right of their packs perimeters. A ring made of rocks and bones would be seen with perch points.

Ayabu flicked his ears and he looked towards Ashura “ Ashura-“ he scolded lightly he knew what he was thinking.

Ashura snorted “ deer carcass clean up isn’t enough, she couldve let a threat in! I say the ring!” he demanded with a snarl as he raised his head high for all to hear.

And just like that damn near all the pack rose their heads, even Sano and Toh’la both being Bakaris parents just narrowed their eyes in heavy disappointment. Sank was a muscular Gray wolf with brown eyes, he was a dark stormy day color, and Toh’la was a lighter gray color with hazel eyes and a slim figure.

Sano had a good deal of scars he was a warrior, Toh’la was a huntress.

Ashura looked around at everyone “ she could’ve endangered us all! What if it was a coyote or hyena pulling the same act?” He barked loudly.

Hearing that the rest of the pack snarled and Rose to their paws and began booming their voices in a chanting manner.

In the ring!” They barked in a rhythmic fashion.

Bakari frowned and hung her head, she even felt her eyes starting to well up. And she just feit her parent’s eyes boring Ingo the back of her head. She felt a few tears drop down her muzzle….she didn’t mean to.

Ayabu upon hearing everyone’s votes, sighed regretfully “ very well then. She’ll be tossed into the ring and tonight her sentence will begin.” He announced.

And the entire back just howled and or barked in cheers at justice being fulfilled.

Ashura himself sneered as he looked down at the Omega.

Bakari whimpered, she felt like a criminal.

While Fallon was taking care of her own pack, things were going to hell for this one.

Ayabu looked towards a few other wolves “ Sinsu, Feylo! Escort her.” He ordered.

Sinsu was a thick timber wolf with hazel eyes and Feylo was a lithe timber wolf with green eyes. They were Brothers.

The duo nudged the young adult up somewhat harshly causing Bakari to jump and jolt and to scurry off to the right with her tail between her legs.

I serve under the commander, but don’t worry I don’t bite! If you need any help ask me or Any others! Or the commander themself. Have a good day my comrades

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~Animal Kingdom~ Empty Re: ~Animal Kingdom~

Post by soapster Mon Sep 23, 2024 8:45 pm


As Fallon was back with her own little herd, there was another in Scelm- watching the wolves from above, hidden within the leaves and rubble.

A pair of large, amber eyes observed the Highlander pack intently, noting their every word, every step.

Better yet, it went completely unnoticed.

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~Animal Kingdom~ Empty Re: ~Animal Kingdom~

Post by Checkmate Mon Sep 23, 2024 9:07 pm


While Bakari was practically tossed into the good sized ring, she skidded to a halt on her fuzzy chin and her bottom half of her body was practically bent forward in a cartoonish fashion, her tail eventually drooped in front of her face and her er’s were air plane mode.

She just slumped like that her Front legs outstretched behind her and her hind legs crooked forward and bent. Very uneven.

The weight of her decisions started weighing down on her and tears just started forming and her mind just began overthinking everything. She hiccuped and just remained like that for now till night fall.

After all, it was still early morning.

I serve under the commander, but don’t worry I don’t bite! If you need any help ask me or Any others! Or the commander themself. Have a good day my comrades

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~Animal Kingdom~ Empty Re: ~Animal Kingdom~

Post by soapster Mon Sep 23, 2024 10:39 pm


Meanwhile as Fallon was off taking a nap by Nyra, Barb was still playing around with the kiddos, showing the foal where to eat from and which grasses and berries to eat, the pther two cubs asleep on her back from playing too hard.


The large amber eyes stayed watching the wolves, a deep airey grumble escaped its throat as a sigh. Meanwhile a large black vulture flew in from the sky, descending next to whoever this was. He landed, his neck bend outwards in a curling manner just as an elderly mans would, he looked very unkempt, old, yet also very wise:

"The others are settled by the pond still. These ones desire to tear an Omega to shreds. Pitiful."

"I know, old friend" the creature spoke with a deep rumble with every word. "I have been watching."

"Su'khin. They will tear this poor wolf to pieces."

"Give it time, Soleomin."

The vulture sighed. Its not his first choice just to sit and wait for things to play out, however it was somebody elses. His old friend just sat on the edge of the rubble pile in the shade, enjoying the watch and the breeze.


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~Animal Kingdom~ Empty Re: ~Animal Kingdom~

Post by Checkmate Tue Sep 24, 2024 12:17 am


While everyone was doing their own things. The young wolf sighed and stood back up on her feet, staggering a little as she shook her body off, her fur even messier now. Her Face covered in faint Dirty as she looked around, her nose twitching off and on. She looked at the ring, its familiar died dirt color….and the bones and skulls and rocks circling a wide range.

She honestly never even cared for the ring, the men did..obviously, men always tended to like violence. At least in her eyes, she looked up and noticed the platforms, broken pieces of cars and buildings seeming to surround this area more to serve as perch points. It made her heart pound in anxiety as she sat down.

Her heart was practically pounding in her chest as she swallowed. She never thought she’d end up here…..Ever. She hiccuped and shook her head..

No…no she did a good thing….she helped the Fox. She protected her.

She nodded firmly, she wasn’t gonna let the whispers hurt her. Not this time….

She wasn’t allowed to leave this circle…not until after her sentence tonight. Her trial will determine wether she lives or not. And that….terrified her.

She let out a tiny whimper as she hung her head, she wished Manny was here…he’d help her out a good deal. But the bug seemed to pop up whenever he wanted to. He was unpredictable.

As her mind wandered back to earlier, she perked her head up suddenly as she saw a blackish brown figure swerving through the forest.

She tensed up and backed up on her paws, she tilted her head in a skeptic manner. She bared her teeth, trying to look menacing which it was impossible for her to do. She couldn’t hurt a fly if she tried….she couldn’t even be intentionally mean if she wanted to.

There was no malice in her body, and if there ever was anything negative it was on high emotion and she’d feel horrible after.

Her emotions ran her at the moment basically. Ran her mind ran her heart. Sometimes for good and most for worse.

She kept her rich brown eyes on the spot in the leaves and she inched forward timidly.

She then shoved her nose into the bushes in curiosity her ears flicking as she tried to take a deeper sniff.

Then—all of a sudden—a friendly little nose boop was felt on the other end causing her to go wide eyed and to Yelp a she stumbled back. She scrambled backwards and tried to get back to her feet as she hunched over, her eyes wide.

But she saw nothing else…..not one bit—other than a pair of honey golden eyes staring right back at her. A stranger in their Territory…..only for the golden eyes to vanish.

Bakari wen’t wide eyed. Stunned…not a lot of people managed to get into here…other than that Fox…she looked back at the spot she came from when the brothers had escorted her here.

She hesitated…and eventually her curiosity won and she trotted off towards the woods, running off and hopping over the bones and stones as she decided to chase whoever booped her nose.

I serve under the commander, but don’t worry I don’t bite! If you need any help ask me or Any others! Or the commander themself. Have a good day my comrades

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~Animal Kingdom~ Empty Re: ~Animal Kingdom~

Post by soapster Tue Sep 24, 2024 6:15 am


Su'khin and Soleomin both kept their eyes on the Omega from above, watching her leave. The amber pair of eyes shook side to side:

"...who is this wolf...?"

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~Animal Kingdom~ Empty Re: ~Animal Kingdom~

Post by Checkmate Tue Sep 24, 2024 10:26 pm


Once night time rolled around, and when Bakari had returned to the Ring after talking to the black wolf, she eventually got herself ready for the trial. But she couldnt help but feel that racing flutter in her chest, her cheeks burning. Her tail wagging non stop.

And nobody, not once even noticed the arial watchers from above.

Bakari had this sparkle in her eyes, she couldnt stop the jittery feeling. Somebody actually talked to her—didn’t look down upon her like she was a mistake.

She was currently sitting in the middle of the ring as she looked up at the night sky, her mind replaying that smooth silky voice, the amount of patience that other she-wolf had. And by the Grace of the stars the she-wolf was kind enough to teach her how to fight a bit—

Though she was still confused at the look of concern on her face…but she just shrugged it off.

And just as she looked back down at the old dirt, the dirt that had scattered paws around and was kicked up.

The rest of the Highlander pack slunk out of the bushes and trees, walking up on the upraised mounds of earth and dirt, some higher and some lower.

Hishari, the blonde wolf was sitting on the far left her green eyes taunting and almost mocking. Glinting with mischief.

Baku on the far right near the entrance was hunched over, glaring at the Omega, he was a clear black and brown wolf with a muscular frame. Square in body and had many scars, he was a fighter, his left eye was green and his right eye was blue.

Ga’lu the red beauty was near Hishari between some giant rocks that lined the ring, his pelt was a beautiful russet color, he was slim and lithe, sleek…he had a fiery red streak of fur down his back that shimmers when the Sun hits it, his eyes were brown as well. All the females swooned over him. He sat with his head held high in a patient manner, regal and royal.

Mono was the right side he was thick, big and muscular much larger than Bakari herself, he was pure white but on his back he had a fine ombré blend of steel blue speckled on him. He was fluffy, even his tail and his eyes were brown once more. He watched with an unreadable gaze.

Toa sat between Mono and Baku he was a white mottled wolf with ice blue eyes and he scored a great deal of scars, he was average in weight and height. He watched with great expectation.

Malu a pure pristine white wolf with grey eyes sat near Hishari’s side, he was like a regal statue, but he held this air of arrogance. Smugness. He smirked as he watched the young woman in the ring watching them back with nervousness.

Feylo, sat by his brother Sinsu, he had his head low with great expectation and a sly look, his ears folded side ways, his green eyes glinting. Sinsu sat with his head upright he was a brick, giant and muscular as his chest fur protruded out from him, his hazel eyes unreadable.

Sano, the dark stormy gray warrior with white paws sat by his wife Toh’la behind his daughter, both their gazes held contempt and dishonor. They couldn’t believe their daughter allowed the Fox in so —stupidly…hadn’t been more alert…

Toh’la was pressed against Sano’s side with greater contempt and she huffed “ we should have taught her better.” She rasped out.

Sano just grunted in agreement with a flick of his ears. His jaw set.

Meya and Naku were sitting beside each other, Meya was a lithe she wolf with a lavender shading, a smooth fine rabbit furred pelt, similar to Bakari’s, but Bakari was more on the silky and fine side of things.

Naku was another timber wolf but had floppy ears and she had blue eyes, these two were den mates, roomies. And they sat incredibly close to each other. Naku was taller than Meya.

Thresh was behind Bakari on the ring, she was a pure black she wolf with white paws and a white chest, her ears had tufts on them, her eyes blue. She was a blend of dog and wolf. Her fur was scraggly.

Kela the brunette brown furred wolf was also surrounding the outside behind the ring. She had a pure brown pelt with lighter brown eyes.

Bakari gulped as she watched them all emerge, she grew extremely nervous as she hung her head, her chocolate brown eyes scanning them all.

She then locked her eyes in front of her where the giant building was, on the right tallest platform, slithered out the elder, the leader. His fur was an old gray, his body frail and fur on his cheeks was white.

His ears had tufts, his name was Ashe, he bore a tired yet wise gaze. His turquoise eyes locked on to the young wolf with a hidden sense of disappointment as he sat down. Kamari the rusty coppery brown she wolf walked her way up beside her mate and sat beside him, her head raised, her eyes were a cool Amber, her gaze was heavily expectant.

And on the lower platform of earth, walked Ayabu, the General had an unreadable gaze but he looked…subtly regretful. His ice blue eyes looked down upon them all as he puffed his chest out.

Wolves of Sclem, the cries and howls for Justice have been headed. The trial of the Omega Wolf.: Bakari will now be in Session. “ Ayabu announced, his voice loud and booming.

And just like that, everybody howled and barked in a cheering manner, some even jumped like wild beasts, Feylo being one of them.

Bakari herself hung her head, her eyes starting to water again but she kept herself quiet. She swallowed thickly.

Ayabu flattened his left ear and raised his right, and just like that, all had quieted. He looked towards the omega with a steely gaze.

“ Bakari, youve been treasoned with potential endangerment of our pack, and to ensure it doesnt happen again…and for you to understand the ramifications of your actions….you will be sentenced to fight. A fight to determine if your place will still reside in this pack, a fight to determine your worth. If you win….you get to stay in your ranking as you are , if you lose…you’ll be demoted even further to carcass disposal. You will not eat until the rest of us have finished, and you will not join us on full moon howls. Or any other social events. Is that understood?” He announced as his voice boomed over the area.

Bakari, once she heard that folded her ears back and she felt her tears fall……she hiccuped, so if she lost…she’ll be demoted even further…but if she won—she’ll score scars and still be an Omega. But it’s still better than being casted out.

Swallowing thickly she looked up and nodded timidly. “ I understand, General.” she choked out.

Ayabu kept his stern face and he nodded sharply “ Ashura!” he called out.

Everyone looked towards the area in the middle and waited. Bakari looked too and she swallowed nervously as she felt herself unconsciously backing up.

Ashura stalked his way out slowly of the bushes, his green eyes glinting evily with a sneer, he looked like a pure shadow amongst the night, hardly recognizable… his paws formed as he placed it on to the battle ground, the diet forming and making a new paw print, a new memory.

His fur glinted with the light the stars gave as he slithered out.

Bakari’s brows furrowed as she backed up even more only for her rump to hit one of the larger stones, she felt her chest rising and falling rapidly as she breathed shallowly, her memory flashing back to when Ashura had tackled her out of malice and ripped her ear out.

Ashura smirked, his teeth showing “ Heyyyy Omega.” He greeted lowly, his voice a menacing rasp, as if challenging her memory.

Bakari gulped and a faint whimper escaped.

Ayabu glared and raised his muzzle “ Begin!” he announced sharply.

And just like that—the shadowed beast roared and charged forward, and Bakari swiftly rolled out of the way in a clumsy fashion, causing the beast to smash his face into the rock. And for a pissed off snarl to sound off.

Things were about to get messy as the rest cheered and howled.

I serve under the commander, but don’t worry I don’t bite! If you need any help ask me or Any others! Or the commander themself. Have a good day my comrades

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